Sequence of all goods in RailNation
Town Goods Order
The activation of the individual city goods takes place on all servers and scenarios according to a fixed scheme. Each Stadtware is available from a certain level of the city. These "minimum levels" are included in this list.
In the Steam over Europe scenario there is also the possibility to select the upcoming Stadtware for a city. The mayor and the city council have the opportunity to choose from the same goods that are available in the conventional scenario.
In the Classic and American dreams scenario, the new goods will be selected at random if multiple goods are available.
------[Epoch 1]------
1 coal/grain/wood
2 boards
2 cattle
4 iron ore
5 iron
5 cotton
7 yarn
7 leather
------[Epoch 2]------
9 meat
9 flour
10 fabrics
10 paper
11 hardware
13 baked goods
13 copper ore
15 quartz
------[Epoch 3]------
17 copper
17 steel
17 shoes
19 packs
20 glassware
21 wires
22 tubes
23 windows
------[Epoch 4]------
25 silicon
25 groceries
25 petroleum
26 lamps
27 sheets
27 clothes
30 chemicals
31 stainless steel
------[Epoch 5]------
33 bauxite
33 machines
33 steel beams
34 gasoline
35 plastics
36 aluminum
36 pottery
38 cars
------[Epoch 6]------
41 household goods
41 electronics
41 toys
42 sporting goods
42 sanitary goods
44 Pharma
[Epoch 1]
coal 1
grain 1
wood 1
boards 2
cattle 2
iron ore 4
iron 5
cotton 5
yarn 7
leather 7
[Epoch 2]
meat 9
flour 9
Substances 10
paper 10
hardware 11
baked goods 13
copper ore 13
quartz 15
[Epoch 3]
copper 17
steel 17
shoes 17
packaging 19
glassware 20
wires 21
tubes 22
window 23
[Epoch 4]
silicon 25
groceries 25
petroleum 25
lamps 26
sheets 27
clothes 27
chemicals 30
stainless steel 31
[Epoch 5]
Bauxite 33
machines 33
steel beam 33
gasoline 34
plastics 35
aluminum 36
Ceramic 36
cars 38
[Epoch 6]
Housewares 41
Electronics 41
toys 41
Sporting Goods 42
Sanitary goods 42
Pharma 44